It's been forever since I updated this blog, well, not forever, but about three months. After the Christmas season I found I needed a bit of a break from fibers, and apart from a few small projects I was not too active. So now I'm back at it and decided to come up with a little smart phone pouch that combined crochet with some tatted lace adornment ... so here it is!
In the beginning: I used Lizbeth 10 (Caribbean) for the pouch itself and Lizbeth 20 for the tatted trim. The beads are amethyst. The trim was attached as I went along by crocheting directly to the pouch. |
I had just enough of the amethyst beads that I could do four rows of trim. Once I complete the bag, however, I didn't' like the placement of the first row I had joined (the one at the bottom), nor did I like how I had finished the closing at the top, sooo... I ripped it all out!! |
Here's the redone version with better placement of the trim and a new closing at the top. |
Detail of the closing. The strap was done in crocheted slip stitch, three rounds (which I threaded through the openings in the pouch as I started the second round so that I could crochet continuously. |
The strap is long enough to go over the wrist when it's drawn up tight and securely holds the phone in place. |
By moving the inner part of the strap aside the phone easily slides out. I tend to experiement with different ways of closing that don't involve too much sewing.... I'm a horror at putting in linings and zippers, but I have done it on occasion. |
Detail of the tatting. |
I'm happy with the result of this one overall and I've started the next! Once again I'll use a combination of Lizbeth 10 for the pouch itself and this time size 40 for the tatting. Here's a sneak preview!
Hues of orange, red and yellow for the next one with red seed beads. |