In the years since that time, I have crocheted on and off and explored other fiber arts, but in recent years I've pretty much defined myself as a shuttle tatter, although I always seem to have some crochet project going on the side.... then... I hear that CGOA's Chainlink conference will be in my own back yard, relatively speaking of course - Buffalo, NY. I had attended once before. In 2003, Chainlink was held in Chicago, my relative backyard at that time. It seemed to good to pass up!

Oh, and if you believe in messages from a higher power, I got one while at Chainlink! I won two door prizes in the course of my time there. One was Donna Kooler's Encyclopedia of Knitting. I love this kind of book! Filled with swatch examples to peek the imagination, and since I don't often follow a pattern, it's a great resource for me. My other doorprize? A set of Takumi bamboo knitting needles from Clover! Is there a message here? Time to hone up on my knitting skills, I think!
So, as I pick up those knitting needles over the next few days (I promise I'll try not to swear as I do!) I'll be blogging about some of the things I did at Chainlink, skills learned, projects completed and ... items purchased!